Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Orange County lets me down, again

Cool interactive charts found at


Anonymous said...

I had no idea you were from Orange County. I started reading your blog in your NYC days and thought that was your point of point of origin.

My girlfriend is from Orange County, though she is now happy to be San Franciscan. I'll forward on your post.

Anonymous said...

But it _is_ OC - surely you should be encouraged by the fact that it was so close? Especially since we were practically drowning in yellow and blue "Yes" signs by the start of the week. Literally one every four feet in places. It was a disgraceful reflection of the money being poured into the campaign by various religious organisations.

The fact that it was 50/47 (to McCain) on the presidential race is pretty amazing as well.

boots said...

Ian: yup, OC born and raised, but escaped pretty soon after that.

Phil: Prop 8 was 57 to 43 in OC ... not exactly close.

I guess it surprises me because the OC I remember living in was boring, but didn't seem super conservative. I grew up in skateboarding, surfing, and music subcultures though, which I guess aren't the norm. Or maybe they are the norm but everybody gets conservative or leaves when they grow up.

gleemie said...

I'm sorry! I tried! I even made my own no on 8 signs and wore my no on 8 sticker around UCI. :(

Anonymous said...

Why does it surprise you that wealth votes conservative? OC is the fifth wealthiest region on the planet or somesuch.

People who don't earn much 'think' it wise to fleece job providers failing to realize such models simply increase cost of living.

I voted to retain the meaning of Marriage. If the evolutionary dead end relationship people want to 'be' together they can very well invent their own word also. No amount of whining will convince the majority to *accept* or *condone* the behavior in question.